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Founder's Note


We(Me - Ajay and my wife - Sunanda) always had this urge to do something for the society for

a very long time. Thoughts became reality with the help of my few friends from our badminton

team and we named of our charity organization ...




After conducting a meeting and discussing among ourselves, we came up with few of the ideas where we can help:


1. Poor Child Education “Vidyadanam” – Since education is considered the best donation you can do for the society as it is not helping an individual but helping the whole family
2. Orphanages – Stay next to them and give them a family
3. Old age homes – Give them a feeling that they are not alone in their last days
4. Critical illness – Give a helping hand to those who have a chance to live but can’t afford to buy that living

5.  Any other needs of the society which our core committee members feel that we can help and is within our reach.


Our core idea is to Give / do something for the society which has given so much to us, without expecting anything in return. We will consider only the needs of the people and NOT their Caste or Religion.


Our value system (Volunteers & Services):


As we all belong to a moderate working class, we respect and know the core value of money and people’s needs. We want to ground our self to support our people and society.


A help done at Right Place & Right time is most important.  Our volunteer service will ensure and evaluate the needs by visiting their place, capturing the situation, gathering evidence and send the updates to our core members.


There are some practical difficulties to handle the situations. Our volunteers will have to travel long distances and put a lot of effort and time in gathering vital information. For instance, for the Chennai flood relief, our volunteers travelled from different parts of India to Cuddalore (a village near Chennai), to take part in rescue operations and supply some basic needs like food, rice, dresses, medicines, toiletries and also some cash for the people who Became victim to the aggression of the GOD nature.


The Happenings:
Starting from Jun 2015, we spread our wings to support people. As a result Rs 3,00,000.00 has been contributed to our society.

(Updated : We contributed to our society Rs 11,97,617.00 as of 26th June 2017)

For more information please visit our website

BalanceSheet:. We want to keep this as transparent as possible. Till date how much has been collected and who are the contributors for this organization  can be viewed here at the below link:

Who can join?
Relativeness: Trust is the key factor. Our entire system runs on Trust.
"FeatherHearts Initial team"+ Friends and Their friends because we trust each other.

How much I should donate?
Your willingness to participate in our charity is more important than money. We need more helping hands to help the society and money will automatically flow in.


Make a New Year Resolution to help your neighborhood.

Happy New Year.


Best Regards,

Ajay and Sunanda.


Posted on : 1 Jan 2016.

Updated on: 26 June 2017

Account in India:

Account Name    : FeatherHearts Charitable Trust

Account Number : 217311100000283

Bank                  : Union Bank

Branch               : Tangellamudi

IFSC Code         : UBIN0821730

Account in Singapore:

Account Number: 561-80148-7

Bank                       : DBS 

We’d love to hear from you!

Please contact us

1. If you want to join with us as a volunteer


2. If you want to introduce us a needy

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