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Titli Cyclone Relief

Posted : November 22, 201​

Start Help  : 22 Nov 2018

Stop Help   : 22 Nov 2018

Location: Tribal Villages in                                              Srikakulam Dist. (A.P)


    After Cyclone Titli, due to heavy rains and floods and land slides most of the 
    tribal villages which were residing beside hilly areas in Srikakulam district (A.P) 
    were left with no food and shelter as the cyclone completely washed out everything.
    Since the villages were completely cut-off from the road network after the Cyclone,
    it was difficult to reach them and help out with some relief works and daily needs.
    Bogabani, Dalcheri and Cheepi are some of the tribal villages with 30 to 40 houses 
    per village.     


  As FeatherHearts came to know about this from a distant friend Mr Voona Vinod garu,
    a local resident. FeatherHearts got ready to help the tribal villagers in some or other
    way.FeatherHearts arranged some funds. Vinod garu with the help of local friends
    surveyed the surrounding tribal villages which were affected by the Cyclone and arranged
    necessary food items along with other useful household items.    

Voona Vinod Garu & Friends

WhatsApp Image 2019-03-09 at

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