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Critical illness

Posted July 17, 2016



Name : V. Venkatesh
Age: 34 Years
Start Date: 11-July-2016

Stop help :  Not Yet
Location: Pekeru, West Godawari , A.P. India

V.Venkatesh worked as an agricultural labor,lost his father an year ago. 6 months back, he was operated for a cyst removal. He was slowly recovering but unfortunately puss formed around the wounds and many other cysts were formed around his ribs.They can't be removed with a surgery now. Doctors only prescribing medication to control wounds and cysts.

He became very weak and unable to go to work from past 6months. His wife was delivered a baby girl recently. She couldn't go to work as well. They sold out every valuable thing to cover their medical expenses. Patient need to go hospital for the doctor consultation for every five days. Each visit they need to spend 3,4 thousand rupees.

FeatherHearts helping Venkatesh. Our Volunteer Glory gathered all the information about the patient and their family financial situation. 

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